Shore and chore is Cleaning the OCean!
Shore and Chore has teamed up with Tidey to stop ocean plastic and create jobs in impoverished areas. Shore and Chore has already funded the removal of 5,000 pounds of plastic from the environment. This has created 125 fairpay workdays for people experiencing poverty. In addition to this Shore and Chore will fund the collection of one pound of ocean-bound plastic for every cart they sell.
Get involved in cleaning the ocean and use the best beach cart around by buying a Shore and Chore cart.
Learn more about Shore and Chore here!
“When Shore and Chore was founded just a few years ago, we set out to build a better and more versatile utility wagon while at the same time being environmentally conscious. Not just in our manufacturing, distribution or marketing processes but throughout every nuance of our company. We here at Shore and Chore are passionate about cleaning up our world because as the Lorax says ‘Unless someone like you [us] cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's just not.”
- Curt Kramer, Founder, Shore and Chore
Tidey is dedicated to stopping ocean plastic in the most efficient way possible while also having a large positive social impact. Our collection process is designed to be as efficient as possible while also allowing the whole community to be involved in stopping ocean plastic.