
How To Stop Ocean Plastic Pollution

Currently between 9 and 27 billion pounds of plastic enter the ocean every year.

That means every 5 minutes a whole warehouse worth of plastic will have entered the ocean. This plastic ends up in the fish we eat in micro quantities which contain toxic chemicals that get stored in our bodies over time.

These chemicals found in plastic are linked to birth defects, cancer, abnormal male sexual development, male infertility, and a whole host of other issues.

READ MORE: Types Of Everyday Plastics That Are Harmful To Humans


This is not the end of the havoc plastic pollution causes.

Small micro-plastics that come from our clothing make their way into the ocean and into plankton.

Plankton is a keystone species for life on our planet.

Areas of the ocean where plankton die-off are called dead spots because all ocean life is unable to survive. Plankton produces 70% of the world's oxygen.

Without them, all life on the planet would die. 

Like other environmental issues, the longer we wait to address the plastic pollution crisis, the worse it will get.

So what is the plastic pollution solution? 

Stop Ocean Pollution

Current Plastic Pollution Solutions 

Many nonprofits are focused on cleaning up the plastic that is currently in the ocean.

There is already 538 million pounds of floating plastic pollution on the surface of our oceans.


Even with millions of dollars in funding, they collectively have pulled .01% of the plastic percent every year that goes into the ocean every year. 

Try putting 95 percent of the efforts on stopping plastic from entering the ocean and only 5 percent on cleanup.
— — Richard Thompson, head of the International Marine Litter Research Unit at the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom.

Read More: Facts About Plastic Pollution

how to save our oceans from plastic

Although, cleaning up plastic in the ocean is important and meaningful.

There is a more effective way of ending the plastic pandemic—clean up the plastic BEFORE it gets to the ocean.

With this method, we can stop ocean plastic pollution at the source. There is plastic, right now, sitting on the banks of rivers in Guatemala, the Philippines, and countries all over the world that could be collected and processed at a fraction of the cost in time and manpower.

Very few companies have taken this approach as it is more difficult to get funding.


Stopping ocean plastic pollution at it’s source is the best approach we have today in order to save our oceans for future generations and save our oceans.. 

How You Can Help Ocean Plastic Cleanup

Support us in our mission to stop plastic from entering the ocean by buying some of our merchandise, donating directly, or purchasing products

With every product purchased we remove 10lbs of ocean-bound plastic from the environment and recycle it. Each bracelet below is handcrafted by artisans in Guatemala.

Solution to plastic pollution in the ocean

Show Your Support Now!

Our Guatemalan bracelets are hand-crafted by local residents in Guatemala. Each purchase removes 10 pounds of plastic from the oceans. Click below to see our different styles available now!

Guatemalan Flag Bracelet
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
Guate Traditional
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00
Sunset Bracelet
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $20.00

Types Of Everyday Plastics That Are Harmful To Humans

It’s hard to imagine life without plastic.

It’s in our food, our houses, and products we use every day.

The rise of plastic usage in the last few decades has been a mark of unrelenting technological progress, but one that drags behind it untold consequences.

Research over the last few years has shown that plastics are not only negatively impacting the environment and wildlife, but are creating disastrous consequences for humans.

Below are just a few of the types of common plastics and their effects on human health.

READ MORE: How to Stop Plastic Pollution In The Ocean

Microplastics & Human Health

Microplastics are pieces of plastic that are 5mm in size or less.

They’re released from common household items such as sofas, carpets, or curtains, and are also found in food (specifically produce, seafood, and salt).

Humans can easily ingest these tiny pieces of plastic, especially because they don’t biodegrade, and inadvertently ingest chemical additives that can cause cancer, infertility, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Most microplastics that are consumed orally pass through the body, but the smallest particles can actually enter the bloodstream and make their ways to vital organs.

This can cause oxidative stress, DNA damage, and inflammation (which has been linked to a variety of further health problems, including Alzheimer’s).

BPA - What is it & How Harmful is it?

You’ve probably recognize the name of this plastic from seeing “BPA-free” labels on some cans in the grocery store.

But what exactly is BPA, and why is it so harmful?

Bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA, is an endocrine-disrupting chemical found in too many everyday products to name.

Water bottles, canned food, and plastic containers are some of the most common culprits.

When BPA breaks down, it can easily enter the body through food and water and interfere with hormone function.

This can be especially disastrous to the proper development of infants and children.

What are Phthalates?

Phthalates are a type of acid found mostly in a variety flexible plastics, which in turn are used to make objects such as children’s toys, shampoo, vinyl flooring, and food packaging.

Once phthalates enter the world in these products, they are released into the air through surface contact, the manufacturing process, the simple usage of PVC products, and the disposal of said products.

Because phthalates are so innately included in so many everyday items, escaping their use would be next to impossible.


Research has linked phthalates with birth defects, insulin resistance, reproductive issues, and endocrine disruption.

what can be done to protect human health from plastic waste?

Although plastic pollution is increasing every year, there are things we can do now as a society and as individuals to help curb the effects of plastic that are harmful to humans and animal health.

  • Support organizations invested in cleaning up ocean-bound plastic

  • Reduce your own plastic use

  • Join in clean up efforts across the globe

  • Organize events in your community to spread awareness about plastic pollution

There are many ways to help reduce the amount of harmful plastics in the ocean.

Start today to help improve the lives and health of many people, including your own, by reducing the harmful effects of plastic pollution everywhere.

Our mission is to reduce this urgent problem and we need your help to do it!

What have you done to reduce plastic waste in your community?