eco friendly

Sustainable Grocery Shopping: 6 Tips to Save the Environment

The modern world’s reliance on plastic products is causing immense and, in some cases, irreversible damage to the entire ecosystem. 

In your own simple way, you can reduce the use of plastics by adopting sustainable grocery shopping habits. 

Research shows that responsible grocery shopping habits help motivate shoppers and considerably reduce ecosystem damage. 

If everyone contributes to decreasing their carbon footprint, we can reclaim our healthy environment in the coming decades.

reusable shopping bag

Sustainable Grocery Shopping Tips 

In a study from 2022, scientists found microplastics in human lungs. 

Although more research is needed to ascertain how dangerous that could be, there’s consensus that it can’t be beneficial. 

Today, people are waking up to the harmful impacts of plastics, and there’s a growing movement to decrease single-use plastics. 

That’s why we put together this list of sustainable shopping tips to help educate and encourage everyone that even doing just a little bit, we CAN make a difference, no matter how small.

With a little effort, you can make them part of your daily routine. 

1. Use Reusable Or Recyclable Bags. 

Plastic bags are mostly single-use and are one of the biggest culprits of environmental pollution. In some areas, they have destroyed complete ecosystems. 

They not only harm aquatic life, but their impact on human health is also considerable. 

Single-use plastic bags have clogged water channels in many areas and raised the river basins by trapping solid waste. 

Therefore, the sensible thing is to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags. 

We should all come together to eliminate plastic bags, but it won’t happen overnight. For the time being, consider using reusable and recyclable bags instead of these plastic bags. 

Using reusable bags aren’t the end all be all, but it still helps, even a little.

Sustainable Grocery Shopping with reusable bags

2. Buy Fruits and Vegetables In Bulk. 

There are multiple benefits to buying fruit in bulk besides reducing plastic use and carbon footprint. 

For example:

  • Bulk purchase of fruits and vegetables is more sustainable because it’s more cost-effective. You can save money with every dollar you spend when you go wholesale. 

  • Bulk buying saves you valuable time. Less trips to the store, mean more time to spend doing other things you love. You can even make it a weekly routine and go out with your family to buy fresh fruits and vegetables from the farmers’ market. 

  • Buying from local farmers in bulk supports the local economy and reduces plastic that would otherwise be used on packing fruits and vegetables. 

  • You’ll save a considerable amount of fuel, as every trip means you’re using gas. That could decrease carbon emissions and reduces your carbon footprint.

A bonus is you can usually get a greater variety of fruits and vegetables, when buying in bulk. 

3. Encourage Fair Trade. 

Fair trade does not start with the grocery store; it starts from the very first day of production to consumer delivery. 

During this process, vendors who focus on fair trade policies are worthy of praise and support. 

Sustainable shopping helps in many ways, including ethical farming, sustainable cultivation, and overall better food production standards. 

When a company is willing to work towards sustainability using environment-friendly methods, it’s our responsibility to help them. 

Buy products from farmers and businesses with open and transparent policies regarding green production. 

These companies use fewer fertilizers and chemicals on crops and produce, as well as, avoid excessive use of plastic in their manufacturing processes. 

Supporting such companies through buying their products is not just eco-friendly; it’s also beneficial for your health and wellbeing. 

See if they comply with environmental protection standards by looking at their product labels or checking out their website for green certifications

Researching a company a little bit can help change your shopping habits a little but could have greater effect on the environment.

4. Invest In Reusable Food Packaging. 

We are always looking for solutions to stop ocean pollution, and one big one is looking at reusable food packaging options.

Many people are addicted to fast food and packaged goods. Only a few are aware that one of the worst sources of plastic pollution is food packaging. 

Look into supporting companies that invest in reusable food packaging.

Consider ways that you can repurpose or reuse some packaging materials or containers to keep them out of city dumps or the ocean.

Finding ways to reuse water bottles, drink containers, and wrapping materials can help reduce plastic waste in your community. 

local produce from farmer's market

5. Buy Local. 

Shop local, spend local.

You can buy produce and other items, such as meat, fresh from a local farmer or butcher.

The packaging and transporting costs are significantly reduced when local items are purchased instead of from a big box store.

Less packaging means less plastic pollution.

Less transportation costs mean less carbon emissions.

A Win-Win!

An added benefit of buying local are the potential discounts and promos you can take advantage of. 

There might be shops in your community that offer incentives when you return their reusable packing. Take a few minutes to search those out and reap the benefits!

Looking at buying some common household items at farmer’s markets or other local shops is another way you can help reduce plastic pollution.

For example:

Buy a wooden brush from a local vendor instead of an imported one.

Some laws mandate that imported goods be packaged in plastic, so by going straight to local producers, you can skip the plastic all together.

6. Avoid Excessive Online Shopping. 

Although you cannot eliminate online shopping completely, you can significantly reduce it with little bit of effort. 

Excessive online shopping creates a massive amount of plastic waste.

In 2019, its estimated that e-commerce shopping produced 2.1 billion pounds of plastic packaging.

Then there’s the vast amount of cardboard boxes from online orders that are tossed in the garbage and not recycled.

And after all of that, there’s the issue of online returns. Up to 30% of all online orders are returned

If you do buy online, look into the companies that you shop with. Are they using plastic packaging? Are they improving their carbon footprint?

Sending your money to companies that are trying to make a difference is always a solid idea.


Look for options where you can return the reusable packaging and get some discounts.

Save money and support sustainable shopping at the same time! 


The only way to save the planet is through everyone’s collaborative effort. 

These tips can help change your shopping habits for the better and provide lasting effects for you and your community.

In fact:

Going eco-friendly is not an option anymore but is becoming a necessity. 

While practicing sustainable shopping habits may seem like a small step, the collective effect could make a big difference.